City Successful In Keeping Energy Costs In Line

March 3, 2020 4:02 am

Washington City Council works hard to make sure that they keep a close watch on how much money is spent on heating and powering all of the buildings the city owns. Council hired the ABM Group to help monitor and streamline the city’s energy use. Councilman Joe Manning says the group surveyed each of the city’s buildings and made recommendations on how to save on energy costs. LED lights, and additional insulation are just a couple of minor adjustments that ABM suggested to the city. Washington has been using the ABM Group for about 3 years. Because the recommendations made to the city fell short of the benchmark numbers, ABM issued a check for $8000 to offset the shortfalls. Manning states that in the 3 years that they have been working together, the city has saved approximately $42,000 on energy costs. ABM will be out in the city trying to find out just went wrong with their predictions and will offer suggestions on how to fix those problems.