City Of Washington Calling For Volunteers

October 3, 2023 4:59 am

Washington City Council held their agenda meeting Monday evening and committee reports were the highlights of the evening. The agenda that was previewed was largely procedural. Ordinances governing traffic and limiting the business tax privilege abatement will be addressed. From the Washington Business District Authority, Director Shanan Brown announced that the city will have two new businesses by the end of the year and possibly three more in the first quarter of 2024. The Masala House Restaurant is having its ribbon cutting on Tuesday and will be serving lunch immediately following the ribbon cutting. A second business that will be making their announcement shortly is planning to open by December. Mayor Scott Putnam put out an all call for volunteers to join several city boards. Putnam says that the Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Board and Civil Service Board all currently have vacancies that need to be filled. The Washington East Washington Joint Authority needs volunteers to fill out the board when terms expire. The Washington Business District Authority is also looking for business owners to sit on its board. Applications for all positions may be obtained at the office of the City Clerk or on the city’s website.