City Mission May Get Another Shot At LSA Grant Money

March 7, 2024 2:29 am

The Washington City Mission may get another chance to receive Local Share Account Funding (LSA) this year.  At the Washington County Commissioner’s Agenda meeting on Wednesday, Democrat Larry Maggi requested that a $500,000 grant for the mission’s women’s shelter project be put on the agenda for their regular meeting on Thursday.  The women’s shelter project was removed from the LSA’s final list of recipients that was approved by the commissioners last month.  Republican chairman Nick Sherman, however, said the grant request needs to be sent back to the LSA Board to see if they would agree to reconsider it – and possibly – vote on it.  Fellow Republican Electra Janis also agreed with that action.  Commissioners say they plan to contact LSA Committee Chairman Jeff Kotula and request that the board reconvene.  In an email to WJPA Thursday morning, Kotula said he has not been contacted by Commissioners concerning the City Mission project. Commissioners meet Thursday at 2 p.m.