Climate Change Report “Scary”

August 8, 2019 3:37 pm

GENEVA (AP) – A manager in the U.N. Climate Change secretariat who helped write a new report on the subject, said the grueling work by the volunteer authors was “like a dentist’s appointment for six days” and left her with both concerns and hopes that people will unite and respond to the threats of climate change.  Koko Warner, who contributed to a chapter on risk management and decision-making, told the AP that: “I’ve lost a lot of sleep about what the science is saying. As a person, it’s pretty scary. We need to act urgently.”  Speaking Thursday after the report was presented at the World Meteorological Organization’s headquarters in Geneva, she added: “But all of us as volunteers are united in this cause of making sure that policymakers understand the risk to humans, to ecosystems, and to make sure those policymakers as well as citizens, my kids, people on the street, that they have options.”