College Credit Requirement Dropped For State Police

August 29, 2023 4:56 am

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania State Police has removed the college credit requirement for people who want to serve as state troopers. Gov. Josh Shapiro announced the decision on Monday. “Policing is [a] noble profession, and this is the finest law enforcement agency in the nation. We need to show those who want to serve that this door of opportunity is open – and we want you on our team,” said Governor Josh Shapiro. “Our State Police Academy trains highly capable public servants who work hard to make our communities safer. Our Administration has worked to emphasize skills and experience in Commonwealth hiring practices, and now the PSP have dropped the college credit requirement for state troopers to empower those who want to serve their community and open even more doors for Pennsylvanians to chart their own course and succeed.” Previously, 60 college credits were required for applicants. Leaders believe waiving this requirement on a trial basis will help attract more candidates. Applicants must be at least 20 years old when applying and must be between ages 21 and 40 when they enter the training academy. Cadets must be Pennsylvania residents and have a valid driver’s license at the time of graduation.