Social Media Post May Result In Legal Action

April 22, 2023 4:05 am

Washington County Commissioners and the Observer-Reporter newspaper say they are considering legal action against Washington County Clerk of Courts Brenda Davis over a social media post she made. Davis reportedly copied-and-pasted the newspaper’s article about a lawsuit filed by a local attorney claiming that his telephone conversations with clients inside the County Jail were illegally recorded. The newspaper says its conferring with legal counsel on how to move forward with “Davis’ copyright infringement and misrepresentation of facts”. Commissioner’s Chairperson Diana Irey-Vaughan delivered a prepared statement about the post during Thursday’s Commissioner’s meeting. She says her quote in the newspaper was accurate. She said “there is no wrongdoing on behalf of Washington County. This is nothing more than theatrics and meritless nonsense” in reference to the lawsuit. She says Davis posted a “complete misstatement” of what she said.  Irey-Vaughan says Davis’ Facebook post “contains several other inaccuracies”. She says the inaccurate quote is “a clear deliberate attempt to place the County, the Warden and myself in a false light with the citizens of Washington County and she is clearly doing so for her own political gains”. Irey-Vaughan says she is consulting with legal counsel to possibly pursue litigation to “put a stop to this outrageous behavior”.