Community Rallies To Help Woman Attacked With Hammer

July 12, 2023 4:52 am

PETERS TOWNSHIP, Pa. — People in Peters Township and beyond are sharing their deepest sympathies, prayers, and dollars, by the thousands, for a woman brutally attacked with a hammer over the weekend. An online fundraiser hit over $100,000 to help Jen Pardini recover from a traumatic brain injury and other serious conditions. According to the police report Jen broke up with 28 year old William Oberschelp and moved out of their shared apartment, and back home with her parents, ten days prior to the attack. Investigators say Oberschelp admitted to taking an Uber to Jen’s parents’ Thompsonville Road house — uninvited — going into her bedroom and waking her up early Saturday morning. The pair went to the garage and began arguing, and Oberschelp admitted to hitting Jen in the back and head with a hammer before kicking her while she was on the ground. Police say he then took her phone and ran off, leaving her lying unconscious in a pool of blood. She was flown by medical helicopter to Allegheny General Hospital in critical condition. When officers came to his apartment Oberschelp told them, “I’m the one you’re looking for,” according to police paperwork. Oberschelp is being held at the Washington County Prison without bond. Peters Township police are asking neighbors to check their surveillance cameras for any video of the attack. Police are also searching for the woman’s phone and anyone who come across it to contact the department and do not touch it.