Complications Delay Waynesburg Homicide Trial

July 13, 2022 4:01 am

A no contact order between attorneys set up a difficult hearing for a Waynesburg couple at their plea court hearing on Tuesday. Cortland Rogers and Shawna Smith are both facing homicide charges and if convicted, the death penalty, in the February killings of Kevin Williford and Judy Hunter. They also face aggravated assault charges for the assault of Jacqueline Rutan in separate cases. In both Rogers’ and Smith’s plea court hearings the judge laid out the trial procedures going forward. Rogers’ hearing was first and he requested a continuance. Rogers’ attorney Joe Zupancic requested permission that he appoint a second attorney to help with the cases. Zupancic requested that James Jeffries be appointed co-counsel and the judge granted that request. In the second hearing with Smith, defense attorney Kimberly Furmanek was made aware of who the second counsel would be for Rogers and immediately began discussions with the court. Furmanek is charged in Washington County with wiretapping over recorded calls from the Washington County Jail with her client John Lazear. Those calls that were recorded were between Furmanek and Zupancic’s second counsel James Jeffries. Furmanek alerted the court to her no contact order with Jeffries resulting from her charges. The judge, in an unsworn colloquy questioned Smith of her understanding of Furmanek’s charges and whether she wishes to have Furmanek continue as her attorney. Smith said she wishes Furmanek to continue. The judge took the situation under advisement and will make a ruling in the future. It is unclear whether Furmanek will remain counsel for Smith or if another attorney will be appointed for her.