Coroner; More Than 100 Overdose Deaths In 2021

July 21, 2022 4:11 am

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Pa. — (WPXI) – The Washington County coroner’s office announced Wednesday that 106 people died from overdose-related deaths in 2021, making it the county’s second highest year on record. The latest statistics from the coroner’s office show that, when it comes to overdose-related deaths last year, fentanyl was found in 82% of them. According to a news release from the Washington County coroner, “illicit substances are rarely “pure,” and while someone might think they’re buying heroin, the report shows that heroin, on its own, did not appear even once. Fentanyl appeared on its own 14 times. The latest stats show that overdoses deaths were mainly people between the ages of 30 to 59 and the majority of overdose deaths were men. However, 2016 was the county’s record year for overdoses, coming in at 109 fatalities.