Washington County Commissioners approved the sale of a large parcel of land associated with the Starpointe Industrial Park Development in Hanover and Smith Townships. The property is overseen by the non-profit Washington County Council on Economic Development. A 1997 contract calls for any sale of property there to be approved by County Commissioners, even though they have no ownership or authority over the development. The property, that has been threatened by Sheriff’s Sale, will be sold to ALTIAN Development LLC of Pennsylvania. Commissioner Chairman Nick Sherman is pleased that the sale of the 1200 acre parcel is being completed and is looking forward to its development. He hopes that it becomes part of the development boom that is occurring along the Turnpike 576 corridor. In other business, commissioners approved a 3 year, $650,000 per year contract to have Mission Critical Partners monitor the implementation of the proposed 9-1-1 emergency radio system. The motion passed 2-1 with Commissioner Larry Maggi dissenting. Maggi questions the spending of the money on the radio project and wished more negotiation would have been done on the price. Sherman also announced that a Special Meeting will be held Monday September 23 at 9:00 AM to finalize the contract with Motorola for the radio system. (PHOTO: WCCED)