WASHINGTON CO., Pa. — (WPXI) – The Greater Washington County Food Bank is used to putting together about 4,000 meals each month with 3,600 being distributed directly from the warehouse and 400 being boxed and sent to area food pantries. However, major changes are underway in the face of coronavirus and the nonprofit is on track to box 6,000 meals this month for pantries and truck-to-trunk distribution. The increased number of boxed meals is partially due to a drop in direct distribution, but also a preparation for increased demand. The food bank is asking for cash donations, canned fruits and vegetables, snacks, cereal, peanut butter, drinks and more – including soap. Volunteers hope they’ll have enough, so they can assure no one in need of food goes hungry.
County Food Bank Distributing Thousands Of Meals
March 26, 2020 5:10 am