County Holds Open House For Comprehensive Plan

June 17, 2023 3:46 am

The Washington County Planning Commission held an open house on Thursday to seek input on the draft of the County Comprehensive Plan. The plan is a blue print of how Washington County would like to see development on several fronts. Jason Theakston, Development Manager for Washington County Planning calls the plan “the guiding document of development” for the county over the next 10 years. It addresses issues like community and economic development and how the two intertwine. Redevelopment of cities and transportation issues are also addressed. Natural resource management and attention to the agriculture industry are all concerns taken into account in the comprehensive plan. According to Theakston, the Planning Commission is seeking further input from residents over the next 45 days. A final draft of the plan will be available on the county website in the next week. Commissioners are expected to adopt the plan in either August or September.