County On Board To Fight Blight

March 24, 2024 3:48 am

On Thursday, Washington County Commissioners unanimously approved a measure to fight blight in Washington County. The County of Washington, The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington and the Washington County Land Bank will all cooperate with every township and municipality in Washington County that wishes to have blighted properties remediated within their borders. Membership in the Land Bank is not required. The county is making available up to $12 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds to operate the program. Municipalities can make application to the board created to administer the program. According to Commissioner Chairman Nick Sherman, that application process will be simple. He says that it is a great program to have county funds help local municipalities take dilapidated properties and have them remediated so that they can be returned to local tax rolls as revenue producing properties. Sherman says all municipalities will be contacted in the next several days.