WASHINGTON, Pa. — About 100 Washington County residents gathered on Main Street near the courthouse to rally support for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. The event was called “Impeach and Remove, Nobody is Above the Law” and its purpose was to send a message to Washington D.C. and especially Republican officeholders that actions performed by President Trump are worthy of impeachment and removal. Activist Sharon Laffey organized the event and was extremely pleased with the turnout. Supporters were very vocal and cheered as drivers passed by and honked their horns. One protester, Matt Cairone feels that Trump’s living outside the boundary of the law must come to an end. Protesters wanted to make sure that Representative Guy Reschenthaler and Senator Pat Toomey both knew that this group wants to see Trump impeached and removed from office. This was just one rally of many held nationwide on Tuesday night, right before the House Of Representatives vote to impeach on Wednesday. When asked about senators that already have their minds made up about the senate trial, many believe that those senators are breaching their oath of office, having their minds made up before even one word is spoken in testimony. Other events like this were held in Mt. Lebanon and in the City of Pittsburgh.