County Using Rescue Funds To Expand Internet Coverage

August 24, 2022 4:08 am

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Pa. — (WPXI) – Avella School District is surrounded by rolling hills and farms, but the lack of good internet was evident for parents. “Half the time it wouldn’t work or you could come here to work. Just time-wise it wasn’t appropriate,” said Avella Parent Melissa Robinson. Robinson has two kids in Avella Elementary School. When the pandemic hit she said her daughter would miss days because they didn’t have internet access for assignments, leaving them driving for better connection. It’s a problem Washington County Commissioners saw firsthand and have dedicated millions in American Rescue funds to fix. “Rural broadband is not towers just yet. What we are doing is running hard lines to these homes. It’s not about owning a cellphone — it’s having the service hard-wired into your house,” said County Commissioner Nick Sherman. So far the county has spent $3 million dollars on the project with 1,200 homes in Avella complete. In total, $4.6 million is budgeted. Up next, the county is laying lines in Beallsville and Scenery Hill then will move to Bentleyville and West Finley to help improve the overall health and well-being of each resident. The lines the county is laying provides 1 Gbps internet speed, compared to the 100 Mbps in the previous lines, which the county said will be 10 times faster service.