County Seeks Comment On Comprehensive Plan

September 8, 2022 4:04 am

Washington County held its final open house for public comment on its new Comprehensive Plan. Planning Director Lisa Cessna states that the original comprehensive plan was adopted in 2005. Several components to the plan were included throughout the last 17 years. This plan is now in the finalization phase where comments from residents and several professional categories will be condensed and written into what Cessna calls a “playbook” for county commissioners to use to aid them in the development and redevelopment of Washington County. Several criteria were available for public comment. County Assets like tourism, history, recreation and rivers; internet broadband; transportation and areas of revitalization were staffed for suggestions from the public. County infrastructure and natural resources were also topics available for public comment. Residents are still able to view the comprehensive plan and comment by visiting the Washington County website and finding it listed under the planning department. Cessna indicated that she is looking for everyone’s input to make Washington County the county in which they would love to live.