DA Rejects Coroner’s Recommendation To File Charges

October 29, 2023 2:56 am

Washington County District Attorney Jason Walsh held a press conference Friday to address the findings of Washington County Coroner Tim Warco’s inquest findings. Warco convened an inquest into the officer involved shooting of Eduardo Hoover, Jr. that occurred on April 2. Walsh, flanked by approximately 10 law enforcement officers, defiantly stood behind his May 5 determination that Mt. Pleasant Police Officer Tyler Evans was justified in firing his weapon into the cab of Hoover’s truck striking him in the head and neck and killing him after Hoover rammed his truck into Evans’ police cruiser. Walsh called the inquest theatrics and overreach from the coroner. He credited Pennsylvania State Police for a thorough and excellent investigation into the matter. Walsh recited the details of the car chase and placed the blame for the incident on Hoover’s shoulders. Walsh stated that Hoover knew that his license was suspended, that he was already intoxicated, he could have stopped the car chase himself by pulling over or, once he was blocked in, obeyed officer commands to exit his vehicle. Walsh will not turn the investigation over to the Attorney General. He did state that the Attorney General has the authority to look into any matter at any time. Coroner Tim Warco says he plans to send his recommendation to the State Attorney General’s Office and ask that the case be reviewed.