Doctor Who Worked At Suboxone Clinic In Washington Sentenced

July 17, 2019 4:42 pm

PITTSBURGH (WPXI/WJPA) – A local doctor accused in a pill mill scheme was sentenced Wednesday in federal court in Pittsburgh. Dr. Madhu Aggarwal surrendered her medical license last year after she pleaded guilty to charges connected to her illegally prescribing suboxone while working at Redirections Treatment Advocates in Washington, Pennsylvania. Aggarwal, a gynecologist, was sentenced to six months home detention and three years probaton. She was also sentenced to do 100 hours of community service and pay fines. Aggarwal broke down several times in court as she admitted to signing blank prescriptions for suboxone. “For the last 14 months, not a day has gone by that I haven’t cried. Enjoyment is gone from my life,” Aggarwal said in court. Aggarwal surrendered her medical license. She said her actions came from a good place. She told the judge she saw “over time how opioids were destroying the community.” She was treating mothers addicted to opioids. Babies were coming out addicted, as well.