Donegal Twp Answers Questions On Road Crew

May 3, 2024 5:16 am

Donegal Township Supervisors were greeted at their business meeting with approximately 3 dozen supporters of the township road crew that is represented by the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 66. Supporters lined the street with signs and chants of support prior to the meeting. William Riggle is a member of the road crew that saw its numbers dwindle from a high of six workers to its present two through recent layoffs. He says that the township supervisors are picking on the road crew specifically and are trying to have the union removed. Riggle says they don’t care for the people and gave the example of him being hurt and his colleague having to work alone as Riggle himself recovers from an injury. Recently a third person was brought on until Riggle fully recovers. During the meeting, Supervisors had their labor negotiator Phil Binotto make a presentation to residents. He called the situation an impasse and is urging both the union and supervisors to sit down and come to common ground. The road crew has been working on an expired five year contract since 2023. Binotto described the contract as very union friendly and rich. According to Supervisor Chairman Jim Bauer, the township is looking to regain control of finances and management of the employees. Some of the items that are at issue are health care benefits, currently the union has all of their health care paid in full. The township is looking for premium payment and deductible concessions. Currently overtime is paid in comp time. The township wishes to return to paid overtime. The township also wishes to use subcontractors when that would be a cheaper option than using in house labor. Several other issues remain unsolved. Both Binotto and IUOE 66 representative Larry Cardillo agree that both sides need to return to the bargaining table.