It was a busy afternoon for North Franklin Supervisors on Tuesday. The afternoon started with what was described as a contentious meeting between property owners of Bob Evans, Guttman Oil, and Rite Aid on W. Chestnut Street. All parties tried to hammer out an agreement to repair a failed storm water pipe that has caused flooding in the area since 2017. An agreement was not reached and supervisors made it clear that they want the issue cleared up before anyone is injured due to the flooding that regularly occurs after a rainstorm. Supervisors describe the property owners for Guttman Oil and Bob Evans to be cooperative, but Rite Aid’s land owners are seemingly trying to tie the issue up in the courts. Supervisors will meet again with all parties next week. In other township business, supervisors got good news from an arbitration case involving former Police Officer Jerry Cavanaugh. Cavanaugh filed a grievance against the township in 2018 for a suspension of 30 days due to allegations of sexual harassment. The arbiter found that the suspension was reasonable and decided in favor of North Franklin Township. In other police department news, the arbitration case against the police union continues. A decision is hoped for in January of 2020. Supervisor Bob Sabot looks at the issue as the union trying to hold the citizens hostage. Supervisors will wait out the contract until the end of 2020 if necessary. If an agreement is reached or the contract expires, North Franklin will then look into subcontracting for police protection.