Equitrans Facing Charges For House Explosion

November 1, 2023 2:54 am

Energy company Equitrans is facing charges after the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office said it failed to fix a natural gas leak that caused a Greene County house to explode in 2018. On Oct. 31st, the house at 161 Bowser Road in Clarksville exploded and caught fire when Cody White turned the stove on, causing White, his girlfriend and their four-year-old son to suffer severe burns. According to the attorney general’s office, Equitrans owned and operated a natural gas storage field directly underneath the home. A storage well near the house was deteriorating and leaking gas for years, resulting in methane contamination in the home’s water supply. Officials said Equitrans had previously acknowledged that the field was losing gas and that wells inside the field were leaking gas before the explosion. After the explosion, the attorney general’s office says Equitrans was required by law to initiate and conduct its own investigation to find the cause of the leak, which it didn’t do. The 51st Statewide Investigating Grand Jury recommended charges under Pennsylvania’s Clean Streams Law regarding failures to properly maintain a storage well, and for not conducting an investigation after the explosion.  (Photo:  WPXI)