Clean up is ongoing on Park Lane in North Franklin Township. Lee Gierczynski, Communications Manager for Columbia Gas of PA and MD states that all non-emergency work has been suspended in the township and they will concentrate on clean up. Columbia Gas has hired SERVPRO to clear debris from the explosion site and properties of anyone else whose property has been affected. Efforts began on Friday and are expected to continue through the weekend. If you smell gas, evacuate your home immediately and Columbia Gas urges you to call 911 or 1-888-460-4332. If your service is still suspended call 1-888-460-4332 and a technician will be dispatched. An adult at least 18 years old must be on hand to let the technician in. If you are an affected customer who needs claims assistance, a hotline has been established for your use. Call 1-800-445-5846. For more information, please visit www.columbiagaspa.com .