Family Of Missing Greene County Man Asking For Help

May 22, 2023 8:21 am

FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, Pa. — (WPXI) – It has been several days since Shane Phillips, 65, went missing in Greene County. Phillips went to the Wisecarver Reservoir to go fishing, a hobby he enjoys often, but never came home. State Police held searches, but nothing turned up. Now, his family is pleading with the public for help. “To not know where our father is, is just surreal,” said Shane’s daughter, Rebecca Phillips. Phillips is a Greene County native and has lived in the area his entire life. His family says he would know the land forward and backward. The fisherman was officially reported missing after his wife became alarmed when nighttime fell and he still was not home. She went to the reservoir and found his red F-150 parked at the landing where it always is, but Phillips was nowhere to be found. His family said his yellow kayak was found in the water. All of Phillips’ belongings were intact, including his wallet. Since no other official searches are currently planned, the family is organizing their own searches. State police say they are checking for surveillance video. Anyone with information about Shane Phillips is asked to contact State Police in Waynesburg at 724-627-6151.