Family Remembers One-Year Old Killed In Brownsville

April 17, 2023 4:13 am

FAYETTE COUNTY — (WPXI) – The family of a 1-year-old girl who was hit by a vehicle and killed in Fayette County gathered to remember her. Kahlani Marie Brown died after she was hit on Green Street in Brownsville Borough on Aug. 11. Her family says she would have turned 2 on Sunday. They gathered at her grave to hold a balloon release in her memory. “We wish the circumstances were different, unfortunately, they’re not,” said Heather Fowler, Brown’s great aunt. About 50 people came to honor Brown. They took a moment to sing “Happy Birthday” to her. Despite the time that has passed, the family is still looking for answers. “We’re still seeking justice for Kahlani,” said Fowler.