Fayette County Grocery Store Closed

February 9, 2024 5:01 am

UNIONTOWN, Pa. — (WPXI) – A grocery store in Fayette County was closed last week when the landlord had sheriff’s deputies put locks on the door. When the owners of the building went inside, they found expired food on the shelves and rotting meat in the cooler. The abrupt closure of Save Well grocery store last week happened because the store had not been paying rent to the building’s owner. “When they became delinquent for, in the end, four months, which is $8,000 a month, $32,000 dollars, I filed suit, had them ejected, got a $97,000 judgment against them, had the sheriffs come and padlock the building, and had them escorted out the door,” said attorney Thomas Shaffer. When the landlords went inside, they were hit with an awful smell. In fact – a lot of the products on the shelves still today are expired. The building’s owners say they’ve hired a company to help clean and have thrown out 8 dumpsters of bad food so far. The landlords tell Channel 11 they hope to get a new grocery store in the building soon.