Fetterman Taking Advantage Of Social Media For Campaign

July 30, 2022 4:23 am

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — In one of this year’s most competitive U.S. Senate races, the biggest moments aren’t playing out on the campaign trail. They’re on social media. In one stunt, Democrat John Fetterman is trying to get his Republican rival enshrined in New Jersey’s Hall of Fame. It’s a nod to Dr. Mehmet Oz moving from New Jersey to run. Fetterman also has New Jersey icons recording videos telling Oz to come home. The stunts are cheap and potentially potent ways for Fetterman to define Oz. Republicans acknowledge that Fetterman’s social-media game is top-notch. But they say many voters don’t see the material and it’s missing issues like inflation that voters consider when casting ballots.