GLOUCESTER, Mass. (AP) — Hundreds of people plunged into the chilly ocean at a Massachusetts beach on Saturday to honor Peter Frates, the former college baseball player whose battle with Lou Gehrig’s disease helped spread the ALS ice bucket challenge. About 1,000 people showed up for the final “Plunge for Pete” at Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester, and more than half of those braved the frigid waters on what would have been Frates’ 35th birthday. The event, in its eighth year, raised money for the Pete Frates #3 Fund, which helped pay for Frates’ medical bills. The former Boston College baseball player, who lived in Beverly, a suburb north of Boston, died Dec. 9 after a seven-year battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The family has accumulated roughly $500,000 in debt for their son’s medical care, Pete’s father, John Frates said, and the final fundraiser will hopefully help close the gap. The family will continue to raise money for the separate Peter Frates Family Foundation, which helps other ALS patients cover home health care costs, he said.