Finleyville Bar – Deemed A Nuisance – Will Stay Closed

October 19, 2022 4:02 am

Tuesday afternoon attorneys representing Rudy Zelak (pictured), owner of Bob’s Tavern in Finleyville failed in their opportunity to argue to have an emergency injunction lifted that is keeping that bar closed. Washington County District Attorney Jason Walsh asked for that injunction calling the bar a nuisance bar. The action centered on the shooting and killing of Jaisen Irwin who was found in the middle of Washington Avenue in the wee hours of October 10. Police testimony told of numerous calls to the bar over the last several years and surveillance that police have done on the establishment as well. Zelak was called to testify by the commonwealth on activities that have occurred and his lack of interest in calling police when incidents of violence have occurred in the bar or at apartments adjoining the bar. Defense attorneys argued that no evidence of citations or convictions of patrons ever occurred so there are no grounds for the injunction to continue. Judge Michael Lucas saw otherwise granting the preliminary injunction citing Zelak’s reluctance to call police when events warrant, a lack of training for the staff and his not exercising control over his business. A November 30 hearing is scheduled to determine whether the injunction should remain permanent.