Former Monongahela Police Officer Facing Charges

September 19, 2019 3:40 am

MONONGAHELA, Pa. – A local police officer is facing charges for allegedly using his position to have unwanted sexual contact with a woman, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro  announced Wednesday. The incident in which Dustin Devault, 47, is accused happened while he served as an officer in Monongahela, officials said. He now works as a part-time officer with the  Forward Township Police Department and as a police officer for Highmark.  Authorities said the alleged sexual assault happened in a police vehicle while Devault was on duty. Devault allegedly  first met the woman in the summer of 2018 during a traffic stop, a grand jury found. The two met and texted several times after. The woman told authorities it was her understanding that Devault  was going to help her become a police officer and seek treatment for a loved one who was suffering from substance use, according to investigators. On one occasion that the two met, Devault  allegedly showed up in full uniform in an unmarked car. While in the car, the woman claims Devault inappropriately touched her several times and repeatedly asked her to have sex with him. The  grand jury found Devault lied to his superiors in the Monongahela Police Department — where he was removed from his position — about his interactions with the woman and encouraged a co-  worker to also lie. Devault is charged with indecent assault, official oppression and obstructing the administration of law or other governmental function.