Former Pittsburgh Teacher Accused Of Sexual Assault

July 8, 2023 4:12 am

PITTSBURGH, Pa. —(WPXI)- A former Pittsburgh Public Schools teacher accused of sexually assaulting a student appeared in court on Friday. James Ziegler 41, a former teacher at Pittsburgh Faison, had nothing to say after leaving his preliminary hearing Friday afternoon. Ziegler is accused of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old fourth-grade student during school last year. The student testified the disturbing details, saying that on multiple occasions he would be alone with Ziegler in his classroom during lunch detention. He said Ziegler would shut the door and the blinds, then threaten and force him to perform sexual acts. The student also said Ziegler was his science and math teacher and the assaults happened four days a week from the start of the school year through December. Ziegler faces several serious charges. The judge held all charges for court.