Gillibrand Holds Roundtable In Pittsburgh

July 11, 2019 1:41 pm

Today, Senator and presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand kicked off the “Trump Broken Promises Tour” with a roundtable in Pittsburgh, joined by health care workers and other activists, to discuss the greed of the pharmaceutical industry and the rising cost of prescription drugs that is harming hardworking families and their bottom line. “Time after time, President Trump has broken his promises to the American people, particularly when it comes to kitchen table issues and lowering their cost of living. Far too often, hard-working Americans across the country are forced to make the impossible decision between paying for the medication they need, or keeping food on the table,” said Senator Gillibrand. “We need to make sure the healthcare system works for everyone and we will start by actually holding drug companies accountable for their predatory practices and ensuring that people have access to safe and affordable drugs.”During the roundtable, Senator Gillibrand laid out her plan, which will hold drug companies accountable, bring down the cost of healthcare by reining in prices, prevent drug companies from gouging patients, and ensure that all patients have access to affordable medications.