GM Workers Worry About Paying Bills As Strike Continues

October 10, 2019 4:11 am

TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) – Striking General Motors workers are feeling the squeeze of going nearly four weeks without their regular paycheck.  Workers who’ve been walking the picket line say they’re cutting back on groceries and some are taking on part-time jobs while trying to get by on weekly strike pay of $250.  GM’s full-time workers are losing roughly $1,000 each week, and that’s not counting any overtime.  Losses are piling up for the company and spilling over to suppliers, too.  A Wall Street analyst estimates GM is losing about $82 million per day. That adds up to over $1.6 billion since the work stoppage began in mid-September.  The strike shut down GM factories across the U.S. and analysts expect the closures to spread to the few remaining North American plants that are open.