Delegation Calls On Governor In WHS/UPMC Merger

April 10, 2024 2:48 am

Several members of state and local government, along with business and labor groups, gathered on the steps of the Capital Building in Harrisburg to call on Governor Josh Shapiro to pressure Attorney General Michelle Henry to approve the proposed merger of the Washington Health System and UPMC. State Representative Tim O’Neal, organized the press conference that called for Shapiro to tell Henry to stop bending to outside pressures from arguments that do not involve the merger and have her approve it. At issue are disputes between UPMC and the SEIU in Pittsburgh over wages paid to medical professionals in certain UPMC facilities. In the proposed agreement, UPMC is guaranteeing current staffing for 10 years and wages will be paid at current contract levels. The proposal is also calling for $300 million in investment from UPMC in WHS in Washington and Greene Counties to maintain current services and expand services in the future. City of Washington Mayor JoJo Burgess called on Shapiro for help while telling the SEIU that they should keep their fight in Pittsburgh and not influence a necessary merger in Washington when they represent less than 10% of union employees. Frances Kino, an emergency room technician spoke about how WHS Greene voted out the SEIU and found immediate benefits without their representation. Electra Janis summed up the benefits of the merger by pointing to three main benefits, preserving 2700 jobs at WHS, preserving local access to core health care and community commitments established by the WHS board. The merger was unanimously approved by the WHS in June of 2023 and is awaiting the decision from the Attorney General.