Pennsylvania Announces Partnership With CNX Resources

November 3, 2023 1:54 am

Governor Josh Shapiro and Nick Deiuliis, CEO of CNX Resources Corporation met at a well pad outside of Claysville, PA to sign what they call an historic Collaboration Agreement. Shapiro states that the agreement that was reached after many months of talks will have CNX follow many of the suggestions that were made by the 43rd Statewide Grand Jury that was convened in 2020 when Shapiro served as the Attorney General. Some of those guidelines being addressed will be the disclosure of chemicals used by CNX in the fracking process and increased setbacks for drilling activities surrounding homes and schools. The agreement will have CNX gather air, water and ground pollution data and take corrective action to address any health concerns. Shapiro, for his part will empower the Department of Environmental Protection to increase their enforcement and penalize any non-compliance of fracking companies going forward. David Masur of PennEnvironment applauded the agreement as a good first step to protecting the health of Pennsylvania Residents. In a written statement after the agreement, the group stated that they still call for a complete banning of fracking activities. Locally, Lisa DePaoli, Communications Director of the Center for Coalfield Justice called the agreement a “slap in the face” to southwestern Pennsylvania residents. It likened CNX’s self-reporting of data to the fox guarding the hen house. She pointed to over 400 environmental violations racked up by CNX since the Grand Jury report.