Governor Shapiro Reaches Out To Union Twp Church

May 16, 2024 4:58 am

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Pa. — (WPXI) – Governor Josh Shapiro is working to get help for the congregation of a Union Township church after an EF-2 tornado touched down in the area, ripping off the roof. At the Crossroads Church, workers have installed new windows and are putting on a new roof, after it was ripped off during church services with nearly 100 people inside. Two days later, the pastor’s phone rang with a private number. “I answer and he goes, ‘Hello, this is Governor Shapiro,’ I said, ‘Oh wow, Gov. Shapiro, is this a prank call?’” said Ken Barner, Crossroads Ministry pastor. The governor retweeted a post about the tornado damage, adding that he wants these communities to know his administration has their back and they’ll do everything they can to help people recover. “He offered his prayer and support, on behalf of him and his wife, he’s praying, he basically just listened and I thought it was very kind,” Barner said. “Right after it occurred, on Monday, Governor Shapiro called, he wanted to know what was going on,” said County Commissioner Larry Maggi. “It was reassuring to know we haven’t been forgotten on this end of the state, glad he called and is attempting to help somewhat.” The county did not declare a state of emergency, which is where any offers of help become tricky. “It’s good and bad to be declared a state of emergency or federal or state disaster, had to reach an amount of damage. We didn’t reach that, although for the people it occurred to it was pretty catastrophic,” Maggi explained.