Greensburg Considers Change To Parking Requirement

August 3, 2023 4:57 am

GREENSBURG, Pa. — (WPXI) – If you ever head to Greensburg to eat downtown or shop, you may have found it difficult to find parking. You either park on street with a meter or in a parking lot that’s not always near your destination. Now, the city is looking at potentially getting rid of the requirement for businesses to provide off-street parking. Les Mlaker is an attorney who works nearly every day in Greensburg. He said the city has a parking problem. “Lack of the ability to park,” Mlaker said. “Especially for elderly people because of the hills.” The city currently requires businesses to provide off-street parking. City planning Director Jeff Raykes said they want to remove that barrier to hopefully spur development. The city’s planning commission is working on a proposal to eliminate that off-street parking requirement. That doesn’t mean the off-street parking lots that currently exist are going anywhere. It just means the city wouldn’t be dictating how many spaces each business has to provide. The planning commission may make that proposal to the city council this month. The council could approve it in October.