‘Hear Our Voices’ Community Meeting Held

October 10, 2019 4:15 am

The treatment of a LeMoyne Community Center employee by City of Washington Police was the impetus to a community discussion of the relationship between police and residents. Don Ward, an employee of the Community center was called out to investigate a light left on when he claims he was harshly confronted by city police while patrolling the grounds. Joyce Ellis, Executive Director of the LeMoyne Community Center is the organizer of the “Hear Our Voices” Community Campaign. Nearly 50 people turned out to the LeMoyne Community Center to discuss apparent tension between residents of the Lincoln Terrace neighborhood and City of Washington Police. The meeting was attended by Mayor Scott Putnam and City Councilman Ken Wescott. Putnam was called out for not demanding that Police Chief Wilson attend the meeting to hear about his police force. Members of the State Police attended and provided information about State Police programs addressing sensitivity training for police in the community and community outreach programs. Several people called for more police of color. Putnam pointed out that in the most recent pool of police candidates, there was only one candidate of color. Putnam stated that he intends to gather information and look into improving policies at City Hall. Joyce Ellis looked at the meeting as a good first step and wants to hold more meetings that are geared towards action instead of merely discussion.