Husband Of Allegheny County Official Acquitted In Detroit

July 16, 2019 4:28 am

DETROIT (AP) – The husband of an elected official from Pittsburgh has been acquitted of misdemeanor charges related to a trip to Detroit.  The prosecutor’s office says a jury on Monday cleared Khari Mosley of disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace at a hotel. Mosley is the husband of Chelsa Wagner, the controller in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.  Wagner, a Democrat, faces a felony charge of resisting police and a misdemeanor . Her trial starts Nov. 12 in Wayne County court.  Wagner and Mosley traveled to Detroit in March to attend a concert. After the show, she went to their room while Mosley went to the bar at the Westin Book Cadillac Hotel. The dispute with staff and police began when Mosley didn’t have a room key.