Several agenda items for Washington County Commissioners to consider on Thursday were intergovernmental agreements and memorandums of understanding for participation in the Washington County Land Bank. A unanimous vote found agreements between Fallowfield Township, Chartiers Township, the Charleroi School District and the Chartiers-Houston School District being approved for their participation. According to Commissioner Chairman Nick Sherman, the main reason that the entities are participating is to avail themselves to the county’s AA bond rating. Being able to partner with the county through the land bank gives the entities an additional avenue of funding should they be inclined to use it. Participation in the Washington County Land also allows municipalities to fight blight by demolishing unsightly structures and making Washington County a more attractive place to live, according to Sherman. Also approved was a measure to allow not more than $85,000 in blight remediation funds available through the County of Washington Redevelopment Authority to be used by Upper Crust Gourmet Italian Deli, LLC for blight remediation at 15 N. Main Street. The building is not the building that had been recently remodeled, but the one next door that fell down several years ago. Behind the plywood mural on that lot is debris that will be removed. It is unclear what may happen with the lot once it has been cleared.
Interest Growing In Washington County Land Bank
June 9, 2024 7:36 am