Investigation Continues Into “Cyber Security Incident”

January 26, 2024 5:00 am

The investigation continues into a cyberattack on Washington County’s computer system. Those servers remain shutdown and workers continue to do their jobs by hand. Workers are curious when they will have computer access again and also wonder when and if they will get paid. Commissioner’s Chairman Nick Sherman admits that payroll is a priority. Sherman says they have two plans to deal with the situation and hope to have things operating soon. He says they can work with banks and can issue paper checks to employees in which they would be called to the Treasurer’s office department by department as was done years ago. County officials have not released any other information about what they currently calling a cyber security incident. Because of the system outage, the jury reporting line is not in service.  Any juror summoned for Monday, January 29 is not required to report, your service is complete and no further action is needed.  Any juror summoned for Thursday, February 1 is required to report as instructed.  Any summoned juror who has questions can call Court Administration at 724-228-6974 or 724-228-6797.