It’s Time For The Washington County Fair

August 9, 2023 2:50 am

The Washington County Agricultural Fair is celebrating its 225th anniversary and is just about ready to kick off this weekend. On Tuesday the Board of Directors held a news conference to let people know just what to expect in this monumental year. Special attention will be given to Washington County’s agricultural history and economic impact today. With 1760 farms in Washington County, it is the fourth largest agricultural county in Pennsylvania according to the USDA. Todd Richards, President of the Fair’s Board of Directors says that emphasis on agriculture is important for everyone because “it feed us three times a day and keeps us in clothes and food”. Wayne Hunnell is the Secretary for the Board. He says that fair goers will see several improvements that include a brand new Memorial Plaza, and a totally rebuilt restroom building that has a mural depicting the history of the fair from its beginning until today. Artist Diane Adams said that it took her 166 hours over the course of 27 days to finish the mural. The fair begins on August 12 and runs through August 19. A full schedule of events can be found at