Jaromir Jagr Bobbleheads Reported Stolen

March 14, 2024 9:58 am

PITTSBURGH — (WPXI) – The Jaromir Jagr bobbleheads meant to be given away at Thursday’s Pittsburgh Penguins game against the San Jose Sharks were stolen. The team said the bobbleheads were stolen after arriving in California and are not in Pittsburgh. They learned of the cargo theft when they didn’t arrive as scheduled. The team worked with the manufacturer and transportation companies to alert the appropriate state and federal authorities who are currently working to locate the cargo. “We were shocked to be a victim of cargo theft, and we are working closely with local and federal authorities on the investigation” said Penguins President of Business Operations Kevin Acklin. “While this unfortunate incident adds to the legend of Jaromir Jagr, who will be in attendance as our guest at tonight’s game, we look forward to resolving this theft and delivering the prized Jagr bobbleheads to their rightful homes, with our fans.” All fans in attendance at Thursday’s game will receive a voucher that includes a one-time scannable barcode that will be required to pick up the bobblehead at a later date, the team said. The date and location of the pickup with be announced when the bobbleheads are found or new ones are made. (PHOTO; Pittsburgh Penguins)