JoJo Burgess Will Be New Mayor Of Washington

May 24, 2023 2:17 am

Washington County Election officials began counting write-in votes on Tuesday from the May 16th Primary Election, and although all votes are unofficial until certified, the write-in results did not change the outcome of election night results.  Democrat JoJo Burgess will be the new Mayor of Washington, ousting incumbent Democratic Mayor, Scott Putnam.  Burgess led the ticket on election night, but Putnam had said he waged a write-in campaign on the Republican ticket, so there was still a chance, at that point, that he could see his name on the ballot in November – should he receive one-hundred write-in votes.  That didn’t happen.  Putnam received eighty write-in votes on the Republican ticket, Jo Jo had just over twenty, and the remainder were various other names.  There was no Republican candidate for mayor.  WJPA News spoke with Burgess after the write-ins were tallied and he tells us it’s an overwhelming feeling, especially knowing that he will be the city’s first black mayor.