Judges Weigh GOP Bid To Delay Two Special Elections

January 12, 2023 4:07 am

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Preparations are far along for two Pittsburgh-area special elections that the Republican leader of the Pennsylvania House has filed a lawsuit to delay past their scheduled date in early February. With Democrats and Republicans nearly even in the state House, the two special elections could determine partisan control of the chamber. On Wednesday, a lawyer for the Allegheny County Elections Bureau told a three-judge Commonwealth Court panel that ballots were ready to be printed, machines have been tested and most of the polling places and elections workers have been lined up. The House Republican floor leader, Rep. Bryan Cutler of Lancaster County, wants the court to invalidate two “writs” of election issued last month by his Democratic leadership counterpart, Rep. Joanna McClinton of Philadelphia. Cutler’s lawyer, Drew Crompton, told the judges — two Democrats and one Republican — they should issue an injunction against holding the special elections. The votes are meant to fill vacancies created when recently reelected Rep. Austin Davis resigned to become lieutenant governor, and Rep. Summer Lee left to take a seat in Congress. Both are Democrats. Crompton said the crux of Cutler’s claim is that McClinton was not majority leader in early December when she signed the two writs. The judges did not indicate when they will rule.