On the final day of testimony in the Scott Edmonds murder trial, the defense called one additional expert witness and presented Scott Edmonds as a witness in his own defense. Arthur W. Yung of Abington, PA was presented as an expert to testify regarding blood stain pattern analysis and other photographic evidence presented. The bulk of the day’s testimony came from Edmonds himself. He described for the jury his version of the events that transpired when Edmonds’ wife Louise Weis-Edmonds was found by police being cradled by Edmonds in a pool of her own blood. He detailed his displeasure of his wife constantly tending to her elderly mother. He spoke of her heavy drinking. He explained his version of how male voices from his personal phone number called a patient of his and confessed to the killing of his wife. That same number also reported the shooting to county 9-1-1. He said that he testified in his own defense to tell the actual story and as an effort to bring closure to his wife’s family. He stated as for him, “he could not give a s—“. Closing arguments for the defense pointed to expert witness findings opposite of prosecution findings. Prosecutor arguments asked jurors to use common sense based on all of their expert testimony and the lack of logic in Edmonds’ testimony. The jury is currently deliberating.