The Washington County Chamber of Commerce held a webinar to update local communities on strategies local health systems are taking to combat Covid-19 in the upcoming weeks. Brook Ward, CEO of Washington Health System and Louis J. Panza, CEO of Monongahela Valley Hospital both spoke about their organization’s preparations and the challenges that this pandemic presents. Ward said that his organization is planning for any surge that is being predicted by studying several models predicting infection rates. Both hospitals are dealing with an executive order signed by Governor Tom Wolf on Wednesday that demands hospitals update Harrisburg on equipment and supplies housed in all hospitals across Pennsylvania. This executive order could allow the state to commandeer supplies and move them to other areas deemed more in need of those supplies. Panza states that even though elective surgeries have attacked the finances of his hospital, stopping those surgeries has gone a long way to preserving supplies and equipment that may be needed as early as this weekend or through the month of April. Both CEO’s feel that Washington County has been very lucky in its experience with the Covid-19 virus, but Panza points out that in his experience, citizens have been quite conscious of social distancing and obeying the stay at home order. Both men recognize that the Easter and Passover holidays are here for many people in the area, but they stress that no one host any kind of gathering. Panza pointed to spikes in flu cases that occur annually after Thanksgiving and Christmas as reasons to stay home. Ward and Panza both suggested that everyone stay home during this holiday season because neither one wants to see a spike in Covid-19 cases in the week after Easter.
Local Health Systems Prepare For Uptick In Covid-19 Cases
April 10, 2020 2:44 am