MAD FACTS Holds Second Meeting

July 27, 2023 4:56 am

The environmental activist group MAD FACTS-Moms And Dads-Family Awareness of Cancer Threat Spike met for a second time on Tuesday. The featured speaker was Dr. Ned Ketyer, a retired pediatrician that is heavily involved in research on the effects of fracking on children that are raised near fracking operations. His speech touched on several topics ranging from pollution from fracking operations to mental and psychological effects that people suffer due to their proximity to a fracking operation. Ketyer pointed out to attendees that the Pennsylvania Constitution guarantees all residents are guaranteed the right to clean air and pure water in Article One, Section 27 of the Constitution. He says that residents need to hold political officials responsible to deliver that guarantee. He touched on plastics pollution. He indicated that the cracker plant in Beaver County is supplied by fracking operations. He suggested limiting the use of plastics and possibly replacing them with hemp that could be grown in western Pennsylvania. He also said that forever chemicals used in fracking are abundant in our area and all water regardless of source should be filtered with a charcoal activated filter. The group was informed that the results of a 2019 study authorized by Governor Tom Wolf and performed by the University of Pittsburgh in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Department of Health will be released. A meeting is scheduled for August 15 at 6:30 PM at Penn West California University. The location on campus is yet to be determined. According to Ketyer, this epidemiological study will not offer findings of causation but will offer links to be studied to determine the cause of rare cancers, asthma and birth impacts to those living near fracking operations.