Man Accused Of Driving Into Protestors Gets Probation

August 30, 2019 4:15 am

PITTSBURGH (AP) – A man charged with driving his Mercedes-Benz through a crowd that was protesting the police shooting of an unarmed black teen has avoided trial.  Gregory Wagner’s trial was to get underway on Thursday, but earlier this month he was admitted into a probationary program for nonviolent, first-time offenders.  The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports 59-year-old Wagner must also complete 25 hours of community service.  If Wagner successfully completes the program, remaining charges will be dismissed and his record will be expunged.  The ordeal happened on June 22, 2018, during protests over the shooting of 17-year-old Antwon Rose Jr. He was shot and killed by a white East Pittsburgh officer after he fled from a traffic stop. The officer was charged with homicide. A jury acquitted him earlier this year.