Man Arrested In Alleged Road Rage In Finleyville

October 12, 2023 4:55 am

FINLEYVILLE, Pa. — (WPXI) – An alleged road rage ramming in Finleyville was caught on camera. Surveillance video shows a driver slam into the back of a woman’s car three times before speeding off Saturday afternoon. Lexi Novak told WPXI, “The lady in Trax might come forward because he almost hit her child not her the child was still on the road. He almost hit her because he went to pass me on the double yellow and almost hit that child,” Novak explained. Two miles down the road, police said the driver rammed into Novak’s car repeatedly. In the video, you can see the van ram Novak’s car three times before leaving the scene. The suspect, William Kupecz, was arrested later Saturday. Police said he did not give an explanation as to why he left the scene.