Maryland Man Pleads Guilty To Sexually Assaulting Somerset County Girl

July 25, 2019 4:53 pm

JOHNSTOWN, Pa. (AP) – A health insurance company analyst is admitting he kidnapped and sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl after DNA evidence and new fingerprint technology helped solve the 1999 crime.  Timothy D. Nelson Jr. pleaded guilty Thursday in the Johnstown, Pennsylvania, federal courthouse and agreed to a deal that will likely result in a 30-year sentence.  The 50-year-old from Cumberland, Maryland, is admitting he abducted the girl in Cairnbrook, Pennsylvania, took her to West Virginia and assaulted her before releasing the child.  His lawyer says Nelson feels contrition and remorse and plans to express that when he’s sentenced in late August.  FBI agent Robert Jones says the child was able to help investigators recover a discarded paper bag and napkins that eventually linked Nelson to the crime.